Trusts & Estates Boot Camp for Advisors
Register Now for 16 Hours of Free CE
Click Here to download the complete “Trusts & Estates Boot Camp for Advisors” Brochure in PDF format.
Silicon Valley Continuing Estate Planning Education. Learn how you can find additional opportunities to service your clients and put additional revenue in your pocket. This Two-Day course designed to take professional from little to knowledge of estate planning to practical, real world knowledge. Come away from this event being able to spot the critical estate planning issues facing your clients, along with being able to identify the techniques needed to save taxes, reduce risk, and build increased client satisfaction.
This event will also provide an ideal opportunity to network with other advisors and will provide techniques for working synergistically with these advisors in assisting your clients.
Walk away with estate planning strategies that you can put to immediate use in boosting your practice and helping your clients.